Amberly Shares how the "One Another" sayings helped her to be who God has called her to be.

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In what ways have you witnessed the Lord growing you through biblical community?


I truly believe community is one of His greatest tools for making us more like His Son. We learn humility, generosity, grace, kindness, love, and patience in biblical community. It is like a sandbox of our youth—you learn to share shovels and to forgive when someone flicks sand in your eye. Biblical community intertwines life and stories and makes us stronger in the process, even if it is not easy.


In what ways are you gifted in encouraging others? What is your go-to move when you see someone who might need a pick-me-up?


I love encouraging others. My closest friends know that when I am feeling most discouraged, I often call them to find out how I can pray for them. I feel most full when I am helping others, so my encouragement often takes that form. It may mean a meal for a new foster placement home, a box of healthy snacks for a struggling college student, a listening ear for someone is hurting, a phone call to shut-ins at my church, or a big hug for a friend. I love hugs.


Has there been a time in your life when your willingness to serve another gave you fresh community and renewed hope?


I got advice from a mentor years ago to "serve where you struggle." If you struggle with envy of material possessions, serve those who are homeless. If you struggle in your marriage, serve a single mom in your community. When we struggled with infertility, serving in the nursery DID NOT work for me, but serving older adults who gave me the wisdom of retrospect encouraged me greatly.


When was the last time you felt encouraged by a brother or sister in Christ?


I am so blessed to have encouraging people in my life. Honestly, yesterday a woman in my small group shared a pain point in her life. She entrusted me with a secret that was painful to share, and I felt so honored and encouraged by her vulnerability. 

I also keep a collection of encouraging Post-It Notes in my office. When someone surprises me with a kind note on a Post-It, I display it in my office. It serves to encourage me for months afterwards.


When was the last time you went out of your way to encourage another?


I am an encourager by nature, but I find it most difficult to do so in loss. We have friends who just lost a child, and although I had nothing of value to say, I sat with her for a while and allowed her to process. I text her Scriptures periodically to remind her how loved she is by God.


Do you consider yourself hospitable? Why or why not?


I do not. I am so glad that Romans 12:13 instructs us to “practice hospitality." I still have a lot of practicing to do. I get so caught up in making an impressive meal or meticulously cleaning my house that I sometimes forget to just love people! In my preparation and research for this study, I found that hospitality takes so many different forms—and it need not involve Pinterest!


Have you ever accomplished a goal you did not know was possible? Who encouraged you in that goal?


I recently had my 50th birthday. I celebrated the occasion with a hike down the Grand Canyon with some family and friends. If you would have told me when I was in my 30s that I would have CHOSEN to do such a thing, I would have taken your temperature! I never thought I could do it, but my hiking buddy from church helped me train. A couple of the ladies in my friend group got on board, a former co-worker led the trip, and my husband and nephews hiked it with me. Their encouragement and willingness to trek with me motivated me to not only complete it, but now I want to go deeper into the Canyon. What a blessing!


Can you recall a time when you were struggling and God sent someone to encourage you to press on?


God is so faithful, and in every season of my life, I can point to someone (or someones) who came alongside me and encouraged me. One time, I was terribly lost on a trip to California. A stranger not only highlighted the map for me to get back where I needed to go, but he also drove alongside me until I got on the right freeway. When we get lost or discouraged on our journeys, sometimes we just need someone to come alongside us and point us in the right direction.


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