Book ISBN: 9781791026745
Leader Guide ISBN: 9781791026769
Video-DVD ISBN: 9781791026783
ISBN: 9781791026752
ISBN: 9781791026776
Publication Date: January 2023

A meaningful encounter with Jesus and the Psalms through the season of Lent with Barb Roose.

Barb Roose guides the reader through a meaningful encounter with the Psalms through the season of Lent. Combining an interpretation of the psalms with real life stories, the study moves through the familiar words of Psalm 23 toward the painful cries of Psalm 22 uttered by Jesus on the cross. The study includes reflections on the life of King David and the original context of the writings, along with connections between the psalms and the life and death of Jesus the Messiah.

“The Psalms provide a perfect framework for experiencing Lent through the verses that were Jesus’s own scriptures, offering both him and us strength and wisdom in a painful and redemptive season. The Book of Psalms hums with the heartbeat of our humanity with divinely inspired words that find purchase in the tenderest places in our hearts when our human words or wisdom fails us.” Barb Roose

Additional components to use the book as a six-week study include a leader guide and DVD/Video Sessions featuring Barb Roose.

When I am in those hard places, those needy places, those places where I need to see God’s tenderness, I always turn to the Psalms. Barb Roose has written an insightful and personal guide in Finding Jesus in the Psalms that shows how we can find a very New Testament Jesus throughout this Old Testament book in a way that our human, aching hearts so desperately need. I will be coming back again and again to this beautiful guide. —Kathi Lipp, best-selling author, and podcaster

Finding Jesus in the Psalms is a beautiful celebration of God's poetry and his gift to us, his Son, Jesus. Barb Roose has captured the essence of the Poet's message and provided deep insight into the path of Jesus that was blazed right through the middle of it all. This book will bless you by bringing you closer to the Lord, whether during the Lenten season or at any time of the year.  —Kathleen Y'Barbo, Publishers Weekly best-selling author of The Black Midnight

Barb Roose helps us to see Jesus in the Psalms through this book. Most of the time, we only look for Jesus in the New Testament, but she shows us how Jesus was always present and God is always pointing us to Him. —Cindy Casey, Next Steps Director, CedarCreek Church

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About This Author

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Barb Roose

Barb Roose is a popular speaker and author who enjoys teaching and encouraging women at conferences and events across the country, including the Aspire Women’s Events, She Speaks, and many more. She is the author of three books, Surrendered Devotional, Winning the Worry Battle, and Enough Already, and five Bible studies, Breakthrough, Surrendered, I’m Waiting, God, Joshua, and Beautiful Already. Barb blogs regularly at and hosts the “Better Together” Facebook Live events and podcast. Barb lives in Toledo, Ohio, is a proud empty nest mom of three adult children.

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